
LEEDON GREEN at LEEDON HEIGHTS: A Trend Analysis of an Exclusive Property in Singapore

LEEDON GREEN at LEEDON HEIGHTS: A Trend Analysis of an Exclusive Property in Singapore

  • May 14, 2023

  • 2 min read

Trend Analysis: LEEDON GREEN at LEEDON HEIGHTS, Singapore

LEEDON GREEN at LEEDON HEIGHTS is a prestigious property located in District 10, Singapore. This luxurious property offers Freehold tenure and is situated in the Core Central Region (CCR), making it an attractive investment option in the country.

The location of LEEDON GREEN is at latitude 24670.62516 and longitude 32748.47583, providing easy access to various amenities, transportation, and recreational facilities in the area.

Sales Transaction Data

The sales transaction data for LEEDON GREEN shows the recent trends in the property market:

  • In the month of March '23, the price per square foot (psf) ranged from 2540 to 3026 for different unit sizes and floor ranges.
  • In May '23, the price psf ranged from 2860 to 3210.
  • The price psf showed a gradual increase over time, reaching a range of 2502 to 3388 in June '23.

Buy or Not to Buy?

Considering the location, tenure, and the upward trend in the sales transaction data, LEEDON GREEN at LEEDON HEIGHTS appears to be a good investment option. The high demand in the Core Central Region and the potential for future appreciation make it an attractive choice for buyers.

However, it is always recommended to do thorough research, analyze personal financial situations, and consult with property experts before making any investment decisions.

Whether you're looking for a luxurious place to live or a profitable investment opportunity, LEEDON GREEN offers the perfect combination of location, amenities, and long-term value.


This analysis is based on the freely available data and should be taken as a general overview. It is always recommended to consult with real estate professionals or conduct comprehensive research before making any property-related decisions.

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