Last updated: Jul 22, 2024


Enggor Street

99 yrs from 2008 - left 83 years


Avg Price Gain



PSF Price

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Sales Transactions



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Transaction Details

12 months

Unit Price Size Date
$2,322 psf
366 sqft May 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,418 psf
366 sqft Apr 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,086 psf
700 sqft Apr 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,312 psf
398 sqft Mar 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,234 psf
667 sqft Feb 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,143 psf
700 sqft Feb 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,391 psf
667 sqft Feb 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,164 psf
700 sqft Jan 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,300 psf
700 sqft Jan 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,086 psf
700 sqft Jan 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,372 psf
366 sqft Dec 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,604 psf
366 sqft Dec 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,399 psf
398 sqft Nov 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,497 psf
366 sqft Nov 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,481 psf
366 sqft Sep 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,050 psf
700 sqft Aug 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,387 psf
398 sqft Aug 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,387 psf
398 sqft Aug 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,043 psf
700 sqft Jul 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,404 psf
366 sqft Jul 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,234 psf
667 sqft Jul 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,186 psf
700 sqft Jul 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction

Avg Price Gain



PSF Price

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Sales Transactions



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Transaction Details

24 months

Unit Price Size Date
$2,322 psf
366 sqft May 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,418 psf
366 sqft Apr 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,086 psf
700 sqft Apr 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,312 psf
398 sqft Mar 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,234 psf
667 sqft Feb 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,143 psf
700 sqft Feb 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,391 psf
667 sqft Feb 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,164 psf
700 sqft Jan 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,300 psf
700 sqft Jan 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,086 psf
700 sqft Jan 24 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,372 psf
366 sqft Dec 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,604 psf
366 sqft Dec 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,399 psf
398 sqft Nov 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,497 psf
366 sqft Nov 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,481 psf
366 sqft Sep 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,050 psf
700 sqft Aug 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,387 psf
398 sqft Aug 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,387 psf
398 sqft Aug 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,043 psf
700 sqft Jul 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,404 psf
366 sqft Jul 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,234 psf
667 sqft Jul 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,186 psf
700 sqft Jul 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,029 psf
700 sqft Jun 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,054 psf
700 sqft Jun 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,541 psf
366 sqft May 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,014 psf
700 sqft Mar 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,404 psf
366 sqft Mar 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,286 psf
398 sqft Mar 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,412 psf
398 sqft Feb 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$1,971 psf
700 sqft Feb 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,234 psf
667 sqft Jan 23 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,309 psf
366 sqft Dec 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,001 psf
667 sqft Nov 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$1,900 psf
700 sqft Oct 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,099 psf
667 sqft Oct 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,000 psf
700 sqft Oct 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,014 psf
700 sqft Oct 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,336 psf
366 sqft Oct 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,281 psf
366 sqft Sep 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,084 psf
667 sqft Sep 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,000 psf
700 sqft Sep 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,262 psf
366 sqft Aug 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,462 psf
398 sqft Aug 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,129 psf
667 sqft Aug 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$1,929 psf
700 sqft Aug 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction
$2,097 psf
700 sqft Jul 22 arrow link to go on details of the transaction

Avg Price Gain



PSF Price

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Sales Transactions



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Map showing condominium $propertyname